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Question # 4

An Adobe Commerce developer has created a before plugin for the save() function within the

Magento\Framework\App\cache\Proxy class. The purpose of this plugin is to add a prefix on all cache identifiers that fulfill certain criteria.

Why is the plugin not executing as expected?


Another around plugin defined for the same function does not call the callable.


Cache identifiers are immutable and cannot be changed.


The target ClaSS implements Magento\Framework\ObjectManager\NoninterceptableInterface.

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Question # 5

An Adobe Commerce Cloud merchant has been experiencing significant downtime during production deployment. They have already checked that the application is in ideal state.

In addition to the configuration of the SCD.MATRIX variable to reduce amount of unnecessary theme files, what would be the next steps to reduce the downtime?


1. Check SCD is configured under the build phase.

2. Increase the SCD.THREADS to speed up the build process.


1. Check SCD is configured under deploy phase.

2. Decrease the SCD.THREADS to speed up the build process


1. Check SCD is configured under the build phase.

2. Check if Adobe Commerce Cloud automatically adjusts SCD.THREADS.

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Question # 6

An Adobe Commerce developer successfully added a new column to the customers grid. This column needs the data to be formatted before showing its content in the grid.

According to best practices, how would the developer add the custom logic to render the column?


1. Create an after pluginforMagento\Ui\Component\Listing\Columns\Column::prepareColumn().

2. Add the custom logic within the afterPreparecoiumn method.


1. Create a customclassextending flagento\Ui\Component\Listing\Columns\Colunm.

2. Add the custom logic within the prepareDataSource method.

3. Add an attribute class to the column node within the module's customer_listing.xml.


1. Override the Magento\Customer\Ui\Component\DataProvider Class using a preference.

2. Override the getData() method and add the custom logic per row.

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Question # 7

A logistics company with an Adobe Commerce extension sends a list of reviewed shipment fees to all its clients every month in a CSV file. The merchant then uploads this CSV file to a "file upload" field in admin configuration of Adobe Commerce.

What are the two requirements to display the "file upload" field and process the actual CSV import? (Choose two.)






Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D

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Question # 8

On an Adobe Commerce Cloud platform, at what level is the variable env: composer_auth located in the Project Web Interface?


In the Environment-specific variables.


In the Integration variables.


In the Project variables.

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Question # 9

An Adobe Commerce developer is tasked to add a file field to a custom form in the administration panel, the field must accept only .PDF files with size less or equal than 2 MB. So far the developer has added the following code within the form component xmlfile, inside the fieldset node:

How would the developer implement the validations?


Add the Validations Within the HyVendor\MyModule\Controller\Adminhtml\CustomEntity\UploadPdf Controller


Add a virtual type forMyvendor\MyModuie\Modei\customPdfupioader specifying the aiiowedExtensions and the maxFiiesize for the constructor, within the module's di.xmi:


Add the following code inside the node:


Option A


Option B


Option C

Full Access
Question # 10

An Adobe Commerce developer wants to create a product EAV attribute programmatically which should appear as WYSIWYG in the admin panel. They have made sure that wysiwyg_enabled has been set to true, however, the attribute is not appearing as WYSIWYG in the admin panel.

What would be a possible reason?


The is_html_allowed_on_front Option iS Set tO false.


The input type is not set to text.


The input type is not set to textarea.

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Question # 11

An Adobe Commerce developer is working on a Magento 2 instance which contains a B2C and a B2B website, each of which contains 3 different store views for English, Welsh, and French language users. The developer is tasked with adding a link between the B2C and B2B websites using a generic link template which is used throughout the sites, but wants these links to display in English regardless of the store view.

The developer creates a custom block for use with this template, before rendering sets the translate locale and begins environment emulation using the following code:

They find that the template text is still being translated into each stores language. Why does this occur?


startEnvironmffntEmulation() SetS and locks the locale by Using the setLocale() Optional Second $lock parameter, i.e. setLocale($newLocaleCode,

true), to override and lock the locale of the emulated store. If this is set and locked initially then the environment emulation will not be able to override this.


startEnvironmentEmuiation() resets the translation locale to the one of the emulated stores, which overrides the locale the developer has set when the order of setLocate and startEnvironmentEmulation is used as displayed above.


setLocate() does not change translation locale after it has been initially set, the $this->_translate->emulate($newLocaiecode) method exists to temporarily modify this by pushing the new locale to the top of the current emuiatedLocales stack.

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Question # 12

An Adobe Commerce developer is developing a custom module. As part of their implementation they have decided that all instances of their Custom\Module\Model\Example class should receive a new instance of Magento\Filesystem\Adapter\Local.

How would the developer achieve this using di. xml?





Option A


Option B


Option C

Full Access
Question # 13

What is the command used to upgrade ECE-Tools on an Adobe Commerce Cloud platform?


php ./vendor/bin/ece-tools upgrade


composer update magento/ece-tools --with-all-dependencies


magento-cloud ece-tools:upgrade

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Question # 14

An international merchant is complaining that changes are taking too long to be reflected on the frontend after a full product import.

Thinking it may be database issues, the Adobe Commerce developer collects the following entity counts:

• Categories: 900

• Products: 300k

• Customers: 700k

• Customer groups : 106

• Orders: 1600k

• Invoices: 500k

• Creditmemos: 50k

• Websites : 15

• Stores : 45

What is a probable cause for this?


The combination of the number of products, categories and stores is too big. This leads to a huge amount of values being stored in the flat catalog indexes which are too large to be processed at a normal speed.


The combination of the number of orders, customers, invoices and creditmemos is too big. This leads to a huge amount of values being stored in the customer grid index which is too large to be processed at a normal speed.


The combination of the number of products, customer groups and websites is too big. This leads to a huge amount of values being stored in the price index which is too large to be processed at a normal speed.

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Question # 15

An Adobe Commerce developer is working on a module to manage custom brand entities and wants to replicate the following SQL query using SearchCriteria:





Option A


Option B


Option C

Full Access
Question # 16

An Adobe Commerce developer adds a new extension attribute to add an array of values to the invoices that are fetched through the APIs.

After a while, their technical manager reviews their work and notices something wrong with the extension_attributes. xml file that the developer created in their module:

What is the problem with this xml snippet?


The extension attribute references the wrong interface, it should have referenced the Magento\saies\Api\data\invoiceinterface.


The extension attribute references the repository instead of the interface it implements (Magento\saies\Api\invoiceRepositorymterface).


The type is wrong, string [] should be replaced with array.

Full Access
Question # 17

An Adobe Commerce developer is tasked with adding an new export option for the order grid, they have added the following code for the export button within sales_order_grid.xml:

Upon testing, they are getting redirected, what would be a cause for this error?


The option's uri attribute is not valid.


The layout cache needs to be refreshed.


The developer has to add a formkey for the new export option.

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Question # 18

For security reasons, merchant requested to a developer to change default admin url to a unique url for every branch/environment of their Adobe Commerce Cloud project.

Which CLI command would the developer use update the admin url?


ece-tools variable:update ADMIN_URL


magento-cloud variable:set ADMIN_URL


bin/magento adminuri:set

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Question # 19

An Adobe Commerce developer is tasked with adding custom data to orders fetched from the API. While keeping best practices in mind, how would the developer achieve this?


Create an extension attribute on Nagento\sales\Api\E)ata\orderinterface and an after plugin on

Magento\Sales\Model\Order: :getExtensionAttributes() to add the custom data.


Create an extension attribute On Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface and an after plugin On Magento\Sales\Api\OrderRepositoryInterface On geto and getListo to add the custom data.


Create a before plugin on Magento\sales\model\ResourceModel\order\collection: :load and alter the query to fetch the additional data. Data will then be automatically added to the items fetched from the API.

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